KFF: Status of Medicaid Postpartum Coverage Extensions in the States

  1. 12-month extension implemented: California
  2. New Mexico
  3. Louisiana
  4. Illinois
  5. Michigan
  6. Tennessee
  7. Ohio
  8. Pennsylvania
  9. Virginia
  10. North Carolina
  11. South Carolina
  12. Maryland
  13. New Jersey
  14. Planning to implement a 12-month extension: Wash.
  15. Oregon
  16. Minn.
  17. Colo.
  18. Kansas
  19. Indiana
  20. Kentucky
  21. W. Virginia
  22. Alabama
  23. Georgia
  24. Florida
  25. New York
  26. Connecticut
  27. Mass.
  28. Vermont
  29. Maine
  30. Wash. D.C.
  31. Limited coverage extension approved or proposed: Texas
  32. Missouri
  33. Wisconsin
  34. Pending legislation to seek federal approval through SPA or 1115 Waiver: Arizona
  35. New Hampshire
  36. Rhode Island
Notes: Approved and pending state action as of May 19, 2022, from the "Medicaid Postpartum Coverage Extension Tracker." States that are not listed have not taken action.